Its coming, dont give a fuck if you care or not, Im doin it for me this time around. Got a techno song in the works. Gunna be awesome.
As for you lovely zero bombing trolls, my ratings dont mean a damn thing to me, your wasting your own time being childish. The only reason is use this site is for a little posotive feedback and to show my friends what I produce. My rating is meaningless.
faggot either learn how to write a real blog post or get off my website
<a href=""> st/218176</a>
I have no idea where this guy came from but he has nothing better to do but troll user pages pretending to be tom fulp. Pretty fucking lame if you ask me, if for no other reason then its been done 100 times already. Troll harder buddy, maybe one day you will be annoying, but that day is not today homo.