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Jeremy @Bladefury

Age 37, Male


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Our Impact on this World

Posted by Bladefury - May 22nd, 2008

I dont know why I thought I would get any sort of posotive responce from a bunch of angst filled teens, guess I just hoped there was a fucking ounce of maturity on this website. Dont worry, I will take all this big grown-up talk to a big grown-up website, ok kiddies. If you are a being of -any- intelligence, please read on.

I have been doing ALOT of thinking over the past few years about the horrific situation the human race has gotten itself into. There is so much that I have to say, so many ideas running through my mind that I have decided to start writing them down and begin to cut my own path in this life. I have decided that it is time to stop blindly following the herd of ignorent people who are condemning life on this planet and start to make a change. Global warming, pollution, the oil market, our economy, our government. Does anyone else out there see just how fucked up things have gotten? We are to a point where the media now tries to calm the mass public by launching thier "GO GREEN" campaign. What a fucking joke, they are not doing anything that is going to save this planet from total destruction. The government is fueling a corrupt economy with thier foolish tax breaks and refunds. Giving people more money is only going to create more pollution and a more corrupt economy! Our planet is at a pivitol point. Either we create DRASTIC and DRAMATIC changes right NOW, or there is absolutly no hope for the continuance of our civilization. If you are reading this and are completly in the dark as to the details of exactly how fucked up everything is, I will be providing NUMEROUS links to highly educational websites. This information is truely hard to cope with, the ice caps are melting at an exponential rate, ancient methan pockets are erupting in the oceans sending terrifying amounts of methan into the atmosphere and speeding the deterioration of the ozone. Forests and animal life are being culled from existence, pollution from land fills and rivers only sees to speed this destruction. If you are able to open your eyes and see what is happening to this planet then in your heart of hearts you will know there is only one thing to do. Drasticly change what we are doing, and change it RIGHT FUCKING NOW. We cannot wait for old money grubbing poloticians to solve the problems that they have created, our only choice is to rise up against these insurmountable odds and take these changes into our own hands. The solutions for the worlds problems are within our grasp, these sollutions have been there for years, but it all comes down to money. We have put a god damn price tag on the health of our planet and the security of our future. I will be going into much greater detail about possible solutions, both my own solutions and those developed by others, as soon as I see a posotive response to what I am saying here. It does not matter what your age is, it does not matter where you live, it is time for a new generation to take command, and set this world on a path that is correct and just. -It is time for a revolution-.

Be wary to take anything you read with a grain of salt at first. I have read books, journals, reports, and documents with information that is often inconsistant. In a world full of lies it is up to you to decipher the truth.

http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ ---This would be an example of the government sugar coating the facts. Mass histeria would mean alot of money loss after all.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_c hange --- Many basic facts


I also didn't read the whole thing, however, I kind of got the gist that it had to do something with 'imminent death'. In which case, i plea you to stop being a whiney bitch and live life and let the next generation to deal with it.


What a typical responce from a typical dumbshit. Go do some reading little boy.

I read the first sentence.

your very conceded. and you know what?,
if you don't like it YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT.

I read the rest.

oh yeah. by the way...

your fucking stupid. All you do is drop over used phrases and re-illiterate facts that have been said a thousand times before you. Why don't you come up with your own opinions or start your own movement then "Mr. grown up."

just by the way you talk, and fall on to band wagons, you are obviously lying about your age.

give me a fucking break,

what a loser.

yes, im concieted for thinking about matters far greater then myself. You are totally right, I lied about my age also...because that has complete relevance to this situation. Im not sure how you "fall onto a bandwagon" but it would seem you are riding the "Stupid Ass bandwagon" yourself. Your comments are neither needed nor welcome. Why dont you go get a job, start a family and strugle to make ends meat as the world slowly dies around you.
p.s. Learn to spell you dumb fuck

I have been thinking about this a whole lot myself, and I know a big portion of the worldly population is doing the same, so if people actually started doing instead of just thinking things would probably start going forward. The technology we have today has so much potential, but still noone dares take the big step towards the new solutions. The fuel problem? What's the real problem?! If the politicians cared at all they would cut off all traffic today, exchange all fuel supplies for compressed air, water, etc, whatever is the best choice, provide local engine changing services for minimal fees and get the whole situation sorted out in a matter of weeks with minimal sacrifice. Sure it would be chaotic at first, lots of protests, but people would be happy when it's over. The air would be cleaner, things would slow down. All the empty roofs in the world, install sun panels, it harms the enviornment in no way at all, it actualy absorbs some of the heat we need to get rid off. Install somekind of great into computers that transforms all the energy put into typing, clicking, etc into electricity. Maybe even add a few pedals so you can get some exersice at the same time, multitasking actually allows you to concentrate better, it's been proven. We would use less artificial electricity and lose weight at the same time. And I can think of hundreds other nifty inventions that allow you to gain something from doing an everyday tasks. I'm truly surprised something like this hasn't started yet, except for the playpumps in Africa (carousells that pump up water), and I'm just waiting for something to happen. Like you say it's all about money, I don't have not money neither confidence enough to start my own business producing the above, but I'm sure it could bring a whole lot of profit once it gets started. We are wasting so much time, cash and resources on completely useless tasks nowadays, transporting food across the world just to package it so it can be sent back, exchaning goods between nations, the whole cycle just isn't wellthought out at all. . .

Hmm, I didn't expect to write that much, haha, nice blogpost btw, it got me inspired!

World=fucked. Were all fucked dude, you can tell no one gives a rats ass about it either, because they dont have to worry about it. Its the kids man, the kids that are gona suffer. fucked.