Unfinished wars? Like Iraq? Remember "Mission Accomplished"?
Lol, crying out "Communism!" everytime someone says they want the government to do something is not an argument. And I don't think taking from the rich to give to the poor is a bad thing, perhaps you remember the story of "Robin Hood". Or perhaps you remember the story of Jesus Christ, who said that you should give everything you have to the poor. I always knew ol' Jesus was a pinko!
Yes, Obama is for offshore drilling. But he's also for increased funding of green technologies like wind, solar, hybrid vehicles, etc. And yes, he would fund such a thing with that crazy Communist idea called taxes.
Under qualified? You know Sarah Palin who couldn't even do an interview with Katie Couric without making a fool of herself would have been a heartbeat away from presidency.
Ever since Obama has been out of college he has been working with communities and with the law. He knows his shit, and his interviews and in the debates he has proved that.
Lol a dark omen? Stop worrying about Obama's middle name. I know that after eight years of Bush it's very tough to think that a politician could possibly have our best interests in mind, but Obama has shown us from the start of the campaign that he is the exception to the rule.
name one way that obama is the exception to the rule. The fact that he wants to pull our armies out of unfinished wars. The fact that he wil then cut the size and budget for our homeland security in a time when other nations armies have grown to immense power and nuclear proliferation is abound. Perhaps its his amazing economic plans to take from the rich and give to the poor. Sounds like communism to me buddy. Or maybe you are impresed by his envoronmental plans, all of which are insufficient and will be cancelled out by doing things such as drilling more oil from our own shores. Please Id love to hear whats so great about this under qualified polotician bringing us "hope".