I read the first sentence.
your very conceded. and you know what?,
if you don't like it YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT.
I read the rest.
oh yeah. by the way...
your fucking stupid. All you do is drop over used phrases and re-illiterate facts that have been said a thousand times before you. Why don't you come up with your own opinions or start your own movement then "Mr. grown up."
just by the way you talk, and fall on to band wagons, you are obviously lying about your age.
give me a fucking break,
what a loser.
I also didn't read the whole thing, however, I kind of got the gist that it had to do something with 'imminent death'. In which case, i plea you to stop being a whiney bitch and live life and let the next generation to deal with it.
Bladefury (Updated )
What a typical responce from a typical dumbshit. Go do some reading little boy.